Safety & Security
To help ensure the safety and security of our students, teachers, and staff at Escondido we have a number of polices and procedures in place that we need everyone to follow:
- All non-staff members must sign in at the office and get a visitor's badge each time they visit the campus during school hours (8:10AM to 2:45PM). Our staff will stop and ask anyone without a visitor's badge to check in at the office prior to proceeding to any classrooms.
- Parents arriving to volunteer in classrooms or the library must stop by the office, sign in and get a visitor's badge.
- Parents dropping off lunches or instruments should leave them in the office where their children can collect them.
- Parents taking their children out of school early should meet them in the office.
- In the event of an emergency, the visitors' sign-in sheet will be used to identify non-student and staff members on campus.
- In the highly unlikely event that the school needs be locked down for any reason and law enforcement called onto campus, parents will be notified at the emergency contact addresses and numbers kept on file by the Palo Alto Unified School District. They will be notified by both email and phone and will be informed where they can meet their children.